00647L (Taiwan) - Yuanta Daily S&P 500 Bull 2X ETF has been performing well over the last 12 months making 54 new higher highs and is now up around 58.95%. If you had invested $1,000 into it 12 months ago, you would now have around $589.47 profit. A nice return on your investment. If however you had managed to pick the lowest price over the last 12 months you would be up 59.19% or around $591.93 profit in your pocket.
# of Higher Highs
% Price Change
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Technical indicators help investors analyze stock price trends and volatility. The 200 and 50-day moving averages show the average stock price over longer and shorter periods, highlighting potential support and resistance levels. The 52-week high and low indicate the stock's price range over the past year, providing a sense of its volatility. Beta measures the stock's sensitivity to market movements, with values below 1 indicating less volatility than the market.
200-day moving average
50-day moving average