395400 (Korea) - SK Reit Co Ltd has been performing well over the last 12 months making 42 new higher highs and is now up around 20.20%. If you had invested $1,000 into it 12 months ago, you would now have around a $202.03 profit. A nice return on your investment. If however you had managed to pick the lowest price over the last 12 months you would be up 27.26% or around $272.55 profit in your pocket. Looking forward, Analysts have a target price of 6400.000 which is roughly 38.23% more then the current price of 4630.00 so the stock potentially has some upside to it.
# of Higher Highs
% Price Change
Technical indicators help investors analyze stock price trends and volatility. The 200 and 50-day moving averages show the average stock price over longer and shorter periods, highlighting potential support and resistance levels. The 52-week high and low indicate the stock's price range over the past year, providing a sense of its volatility. Beta measures the stock's sensitivity to market movements, with values below 1 indicating less volatility than the market.
200-day moving average
50-day moving average
Key statistics provide a snapshot of a company's financial health and performance. Metrics like Book Value, Earnings Per Share (EPS), and EBITDA highlight profitability, while Dividend Yield and Dividend per Share indicate income potential for investors. Ratios like PE, Operating Margin, and Profit Margin offer insights into valuation and efficiency. Growth metrics, such as quarterly earnings and revenue growth (YOY), reflect the company's expansion. Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) measure how effectively a company uses its resources to generate profit.
market capitalization
1.23 T
most recent quarter
return on equity TTM
Wall Street target price
These metrics provide a snapshot of a company’s financial health and market valuation, helping investors gauge whether a stock is overvalued, undervalued, or fairly priced. By examining factors like profitability, revenue generation, and asset value, investors can assess a company’s performance relative to its peers and the broader market. Metrics such as price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, and enterprise value ratios offer insights into how the market values a company’s earnings, sales, and cash flow generation potential. While these figures provide valuable context, they are most effective when combined with other analyses and compared against industry benchmarks.
Trailing PE
Forward PE
Price Sales TTM
Price Book MRQ
Enterprise Value
Enterprise Value Revenue
Enterprise Value Ebitda
Shares statistics offer insights into stock ownership and market availability. The percentage of insiders and institutions reflects who holds the stock, with high institutional ownership often suggesting confidence in the company. Shares outstanding represent the total number of shares issued, while the shares float indicates the number available for public trading, affecting liquidity and volatility.
percent institutions
shares outstanding
270.13 M
Earnings annual refers to a company's total profits or net income over the course of a full fiscal year. This metric provides a comprehensive overview of a company’s financial performance, reflecting the impact of both operational efficiency and market conditions. Annual earnings are crucial for evaluating the company’s profitability, growth trajectory, and overall financial health, serving as a key indicator for investors, analysts, and stakeholders to assess its long-term prospects.
Earnings history refers to the record of a company's profits or net income over multiple periods, typically spanning several quarters or years. This data provides valuable insights into the company’s financial performance and its ability to generate consistent profits. By examining earnings history, investors and analysts can evaluate trends, identify patterns, and assess the sustainability of earnings, helping to make informed decisions about the company’s future potential and financial stability.
Report Date
Before After Market
Eps Actual
Eps Estimate
Eps Difference
Surprise Percent
After Market
After Market
After Market
After Market
After Market
Before Market
After Market
After Market
After Market
After Market
After Market
After Market
Splits and dividends statistics provide information on a company's dividend policy and stock splits. The dividend date and ex-dividend date indicate when dividends are paid and when new investors become ineligible for the next payout. The forward annual dividend rate and yield show expected future income from dividends. The last split date and factor reveal when the stock was last split, which can affect share price and liquidity. The payout ratio indicates the proportion of earnings paid as dividends, reflecting the company’s dividend sustainability.
ex-dividend date
forward annual dividend rate
forward annual dividend yield
last split date
Dividend history is important because it reflects a company's consistency in returning profits to shareholders. A stable or growing number of dividends over the years, like in the chart, suggests financial strength and a commitment to rewarding investors. Frequent, regular dividends can provide a reliable income stream and indicate a company's long-term stability, while any reduction or irregularity may signal potential financial challenges.
Comprehensive financial data for 395400:Korea, including detailed insights into cash flow, balance sheets, and income statements—all in one convenient section.
A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time, typically at the end of a quarter or fiscal year. It is of significant interest to stock investors as it shows the company's total assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity, allowing investors to assess its financial health and potential for growth. The charts below represent various terms and figures on the balance sheet and provide stock investors with crucial information about a company's financial health, asset composition, debt obligations, and equity structure, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.
This is the cost incurred by a company for borrowing funds. It reflects the interest paid on loans or other debt obligations.
Total revenue represents the total amount of money a company earns from its core business activities during a specific period, including sales of goods or services before any expenses are deducted. It is a fundamental metric in financial analysis, providing insights into a company’s market demand and growth potential. For investors, total revenue is a key indicator of a company’s ability to generate income and expand its operations.
This is the income earned from interest-bearing assets, such as savings accounts, bonds, or loans, providing a secondary revenue stream.
This represents the portion of net income attributable to common shareholders after preferred dividends are paid.
Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) expenses encompass the costs associated with running a company's day-to-day operations outside of production. These include expenses for sales efforts, marketing, corporate management, office administration, and other overhead costs. SG&A is a key metric for investors, as it reflects a company’s operational efficiency and its ability to manage costs while driving revenue. A well-managed SG&A expense ratio can indicate strong financial discipline and a competitive edge.
This represents the profit generated from a company’s core business operations, excluding income from investments or non-operational sources.
This is the profit earned before income tax expenses are deducted. It provides insight into profitability from core and non-core activities.
This is the profit a company earns after accounting for all expenses, taxes, and costs. It is a critical measure of financial performance.