DMN:NASDAQ - Damon Inc. Common Stock Performance Information
# of Higher Highs
% Price Change
Technical indicators help investors analyze stock price trends and volatility. The 200 and 50-day moving averages show the average stock price over longer and shorter periods, highlighting potential support and resistance levels. The 52-week high and low indicate the stock's price range over the past year, providing a sense of its volatility. Beta measures the stock's sensitivity to market movements, with values below 1 indicating less volatility than the market.
Shares statistics offer insights into stock ownership and market availability. The percentage of insiders and institutions reflects who holds the stock, with high institutional ownership often suggesting confidence in the company. Shares outstanding represent the total number of shares issued, while the shares float indicates the number available for public trading, affecting liquidity and volatility.
percent institutions
Splits and dividends statistics provide information on a company's dividend policy and stock splits. The dividend date and ex-dividend date indicate when dividends are paid and when new investors become ineligible for the next payout. The forward annual dividend rate and yield show expected future income from dividends. The last split date and factor reveal when the stock was last split, which can affect share price and liquidity. The payout ratio indicates the proportion of earnings paid as dividends, reflecting the company’s dividend sustainability.
forward annual dividend rate
forward annual dividend yield
The history of outstanding shares shows changes in the number of shares a company has issued over time. Increases in outstanding shares can result from issuing new shares for raising capital or stock-based compensation, while decreases may occur due to share buybacks. Monitoring these changes helps investors understand how a company's capital structure is evolving, which can affect earnings per share (EPS), shareholder value, and potential dilution of ownership.
A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time, typically at the end of a quarter or fiscal year. It is of significant interest to stock investors as it shows the company's total assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity, allowing investors to assess its financial health and potential for growth. The charts below represent various terms and figures on the balance sheet and provide stock investors with crucial information about a company's financial health, asset composition, debt obligations, and equity structure, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.